Types of Speeches...
Below are our articles on the subject of Types of Speeches. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Award Speeches
Giving an award to someone? Make sure you focus on him or her during your speech!...

Birthday/Anniversary Speeches
Have you been asked to give a birthday or anniversary speech? Here, we’ve compiled some helpful hints....

Impromptu Speeches
If you’re ever asked to give an impromptu speech, use these tips to give a powerful, tight performance....

Persuasive Speeches
Learn how to write your next persuasive speech… and move some mountains with your words!...

Political Speeches
Are you planning to become a political speaker? Then keep these five tips in mind!...

Professional Speaking
Thinking about becoming a professional public speaker? Know the pros and challenges of the industry before taking the plunge....

Public Speaking at Funerals/Memorials
Have to give a speech at a funeral or memorial service? This article takes the worry out of your talk....

Retirement Speeches
Retirement speeches require some forethought. Here’s how to make sure yours has the appropriate elements!...

Speeches Aimed at Children
There’s no doubt about it – kid audiences bring with them unique considerations, including the ones we’ve listed....

Speeches Geared at Media
Media speeches can be particularly complex; here are five tips to help you ensure your speech leaves a good impression on the press!...

Wedding Speeches
A wedding speech has only two rules, but they are far too often broken, bent, and tossed out by novice speakers....

Work Presentations
Have you been asked to give a presentation for your work? Follow these easy steps to success!...